Hey JoyRiders,
We hope you’ve had a great week! For our Kenyan fans Happy Belated Madaraka day!
Now let’s dive into this week’s newsletter…..
Woop! The first of many reflections. I had to take this one for the team cause Ben needs time to understand the concept, he’s the slow one in the group, haha!
Anyway, I have been mulling over the concept of kindness and what role it plays in our interactions as humans, and more so “always-online” humans. I reflected on this heavily this past weekend over the Fenty Drama ( if you are not caught up, Twitter is your bestie). As I was thinking on this, catching up on all the drama, I came across a quote on Pinterest that I later shared on Instagram - “The mouth should have three gatekeepers. Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?”
We may not always agree with each other, we may not always share similar opinions, heck we may even be the “tell it like it is” kind of people and that’s ok, but the true test is in how we are able to speak to each other when we don’t agree, how we correct each other and how we voice our opinions.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? - I hope these 3 can guide how we treat each other. Have a great week Joyriders, and remember to be kind!
So we’ve started a new segment on our newsletter and IG stories, Q&A Tuesdays. We’ll be asking you guys a question on IG stories and sharing the responses, the best responses will get featured in the newsletter. This week’s question was, have you lost any friends from being in a serious relationship?
This week, we’re in the kitchen with Ben, as he takes us through how he makes his ugali. PS look out for his tip on rivers 😂😂😂
Watch Ben’s recipe here
Please remember you can always catch up with our season 1 content on Youtube. If you haven’t watched out mini-documentary, what are you waiting for?😭😭😭
We’re working on some new content for you guys, look out for an exciting announcement in the next couple of weeks. 🙌🏿 🙌🏿
Lots of love,
Ben & Wanjiru
JoyRide Duo
This is a nice weigh to words before I speak them. I have said untrue, unkind and unnecessary words in my past